Vid Drašler is from Bistrica ob Sotli, where he
played in a jazz-rock band Zmajev rep and in the Malik. With the Balžalorsky /
Drašler trio he made a breakthrough in Slovenian jazz. With no less subtlety he
plays in a chanson-oriented Orkestrada. One of his next peaks is the Drašler –
Karlovčec – Drašler trio whose noisy improvisation is in no way less clear than
his earlier more structured work.
Vid has collaborated in several theatre productions as well as
with the Kombo Kombo – a jazz orchestra lead by Zlatko Kavčič, with whom he
also studied for four years. He has been active as a pedagogue and co-author of
music and art events in the town of Vrhnika, where he is also the curator of a
weekly workshop focused primarily on non-idiomatic improvisation.He has
collaborated with the following musicians: Zlatko Kaučič, Vitja
Balžalorsky, Jošt Drašler, Marko Karlovčec, Andrej Boštjančič, Andrej
Fon, Tomaž Grom, Cene Resnik, Kaja Draksler, Mario Rechtern, Linda
Sharrock, Petr Zelenka, Samo Kutin, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec ...
Within the program of Sploh Institute he curates
(Ne)forma (2022) and he presented his work on several occasions: at the concerts of Confine aperto, Zvokotok, Sonce in sončice po vsem svetu, public presentations of RR, international tours, dance-music series of improvizations Neforma, on the festival and on compilation
Sound Disobedience. With the recording of the solo concert he participates in the iMstrument project. He published an excellent solo debut with the title of
Kramljanja, with trio Trojnik album
My Ear Has Got Sharp Edges,
Stir with trio Drašler/Karlovčec/Drašler,
At The Cultural Home with Tom Jackson,
Mnogobolje with Oholo! and
Štafelaj with trio TiTiTi.