Zavod Sploh

Brigita Gračner

foto: Nataša Serec
foto: Nataša Serec
Executive producer

Brigita Gračner joined Zavod Sploh in the fall of 2019 and since then has participated in the organization and implementation of more than 150 events, such as concerts and concert cycles, festivals, performances and performance cycles, installations, etc. She also takes care of the recognition of the publishing house of Zavod Sploh and coordinates the international project Better Live Music.

She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV), majoring in European studies - social science aspects. During her studies, she was an active member of the student political science association Polituss and the program committee of the Labor and Punk University (DPU) within the Peace Institute. Since 2016, she has been a member of the music department of Radio Študent, since 2017 co-organizer of the concert series Defonija, since 2022 producer and selector of the music program of City of Women and since 2023 producer of the online newspaper She is also the coordinator of the platform Performance Art Research Ljubljana - PARL.

She was a part of the Neodvisni project, an agent and organizer of sustainable tours at the Footprints Europe project, and a collaborator of the ˝Digital Train for Slovenian Music˝ project.

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