Zavod Sploh

Špela Trošt

Foto: Enej Grom
Foto: Enej Grom

Since 2005 she is a production manager for Sploh institute (, for art production and publishing and an artistic director for performing arts. Working for Sploh she co-created more than 50 projects: music series, festivals, performances, intermedia productions, music releases and workshops. The programme of Zavod Sploh in cooperation with several organizations from Slovenia, Europe and USA involved more than 170 musicians, performers and dancers from the world.

Since 2002 she is a production manager for a platform for research, development and production of contemporary performing arts Via Negativa  (
From 2003 to 2009 she was a producer for reasrching project of acting art Studio za raziskavo umetnosti igre (workshops and performances). Between 2004 and 2005 she worked as a production manager on MASKA (, organization engaged in publishing, production of performances and education in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Before she became a production manager she was acting in several projects (over 20) and in some of them she also collaborated as a dramaturge and assistant of directo Between 1995 and 2002 she was an artistic director of theater group named “Gledališče čez cesto” and between 1996 and 2000 also an artistic director of international festival Off theater GLEDOS in Kranj.

1997 she was assistant of selector for the theatre programme Evropski mesec kulture (Europian month of culture), Dušan Jovanovič. She worked also as a tv producer  (on national television RTV Slovenia  and Kanal A) and she had been directing for national television.
2003–2008 she was a professor of a History of dance and theatre on Slovenian artistic high school for contemporary dancers.

She completed Ph.D. in Philosophy and Theory of Visual Culture, Primorska univerza, 2016, with the title: Genealogy of the concept of presence in the performing arts.

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