Zavod Sploh
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Where Sploh

Touring 2025

17. 1. – Lula Juhart z gosti, predstavitev albuma RenDom, Cankarjev dom
9. 1. – Zvokotok, Nejc Grm, akademija za glasbo UL, Ljubljana
8. 1. – Trojnik, Taktišče, Ljubljana


Küchen Grom trio - Zagreb, HR

Martin Küchen and Tomaž Grom trio

Martin Küchen - sopranino sax, snare drum, ipod, speaker
Tomaž Grom - double bass, prepared speaker, freeze
Dada automat

Martin Küchen born 1966 (Sweden), is one of the leading contemporary improvisers belonging to the “Scandinavian school". Martin is frequently changing moods: from lyrical and peaceful, to energetic and explosive, from expressive and extrovert to implosive and introvert. At the same time he is the master of meditation. (by Maciej Lewenstein)

Tomaž Grom born 1972 (Slovenia) understands music as a medium of communication rather than aesthetic pleasure. Uncompromisingly he prods at social norms. Music for him is a form of seeking, unanswered questions, flow of ideas, unpredictable situations. Composition is improvisation. Improvisation offers him space to lose himself, to make mistakes, to come up with intriguing solutions.
Photo: Cristina Marx & Sploh
Photo: Cristina Marx & Sploh


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