Zavod Sploh
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Where Sploh

Touring 2025

17. 1. – Lula Juhart z gosti, predstavitev albuma RenDom, Cankarjev dom
9. 1. – Zvokotok, Nejc Grm, akademija za glasbo UL, Ljubljana
8. 1. – Trojnik, Taktišče, Ljubljana


Rib Cage

Concert performance

by Anja Novak in collaboration with Tomaž Grom

My body.
My cage, my corset, my support, security, prison, protection.
I am a cage, a captive, an instrument. I sound when Grom strikes.
I make art out of myself.
If I manage to survive. Marina says: Art must be beautiful. Others say: The artist must be hungry. We will not stop you from living but we will give you the best chances for dying.

Being an artist.
Against all odds. A last chance not to die. Because this is my last chance, the doctor told me. And you are looking at it. Because I let you. Dealing with my own shit alone is boring.
29 jan at 18:00 / premiere - Nova pošta

Created by Anja Novak
in collaboration with Tomaž Grom

Performers: Anja Novak and Tomaž Grom
Movement consultant: Anita Wach
Dramaturg and co-writer: Varja Hrvatin
Artistic direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Producer: Špela Trošt
Public relations: Sara Horžen

The project was conceived based on participation in the Via Negativa laboratory for contemporary performance art – VN Lab 2019.

Production: Via Negativa
Co-producer: Zavod Sploh
Partner: Nova pošta (Maska, Slovensko mladinsko gledališče)
Financial support: Ministry of Culture of Republic of Slovenia and City of Ljubljana
Photo: Žan Koprivnik
Photo: Žan Koprivnik


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