Zavod Sploh
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Where Sploh

Touring 2025

17. 1. – Lula Juhart z gosti, predstavitev albuma RenDom, Cankarjev dom
9. 1. – Zvokotok, Nejc Grm, akademija za glasbo UL, Ljubljana
8. 1. – Trojnik, Taktišče, Ljubljana


Zveze: Rob Cunning, Tomaž Grom

GT 22, Maribor ob 20:00

Rob Canning - elektronika
Tomaž Grom - kontrabas

Rob Canning is an Irish computer musician, composer and educator. His work is informed by network culture and technologies with an emphasis on homebrew software development and DIY methodologies. After 15 years in London, where he completed his PhD in Music Composition and lectured in Network Media Arts, he now resides between Maribor and Haloze in eastern Slovenia. He is developing, with his family, a rural project and art residency space while keeping one foot in the city of Maribor as instigator of a regular music hackspace meetup in the Transnational guerilla art school (TGAS). He is a user, developer and advocate of free and open source software and regularly teaches workshops at the intersection of creative practice, digital citizenship and programming.

Tomaž Grom understands music as a medium of communication rather than aesthetic pleasure. He wants to find reasons for making music. Uncompromisingly he prods at social norms. Music for him is a form of seeking, unanswered questions, flow of ideas, unpredictable situations. Composition is improvisation. Improvisations offers him space to lose himself, to make mistakes, to come up with intriguing solutions. In music, challenges invite thinking and open up new possibilities. He misses a deep and complex analysis.
He is the founder and artistic director of Zavod Sploh, an associaton devoted to the production of music and performing arts as well as to education and publishing in the field.

iMstrument is a collection of sound and video recordings of musicians who are developing their own individual musical language and an audiovisual experimental instrument. Selecting the source, turning on and off, defining volume and rendomness are parameters that allow the user to play music.An ever-unrepeatable composition is constantly formed in front of eyes and ears.

iMstrument is a continuously evolving creation, combining original and live music. It is taking place at the intersection of technologically processed contemporary sonority and the elementarity of clean sounds in connection with digitized recording. It is a meeting place of the absent technologically reproduced performers and the immediate presence of the user.


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