Zavod Sploh

Reading Reading

Multimedia project
Author: Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec

Reading Reading (2017–2020)
Reading Speech (2018)
Reading Voice (2018–2019)
Reading Vito Acconci (2019)
Reading (as) Bodies (2020)
Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein (2020-2021)
Unvoiced Territories (2021)

Reading Reading
Reading Reading is a long term artistic research project that is through sound investigating the relations and differences between the temporalities of reading and speaking a text. The research attempts to investigate the experience of reading as an interface between our interior mental state and the exterior world, asking whether what separates the two is a temporal, flexible and virtual gap, as opposed to a fixed corporal/material border.

In this sense, the project addresses the activity of reading a text as similar to inhabiting a place. The text is a blueprint of immaterial architecture, outlined by the reader's gaze and inhabited by the reader's mind. The pace of reading temporalises the printed words, while the voice materializes them. Through reading (and speaking), the text is simultaneously being materialized and mentally inhabited.

Software development: Darien Brito
Co-producer: Zavod Projekt Atol
Supported by Creative Industries Fund, The Netherlands

20.12.2017, Bralnica, Španski borci, Ljubljana
08.–29.02.2020, gallery Errant Sound, Berlin, Germany
13. 4.–28. 5. 2023, Cukrarna, Ljubljana 

Reading Speech
How much time does it take to think something?
How much time does it take to say something?
How much time does it take to write something?
How much time does it take to hear something?”

The project Reading Speech is conceived as a performative sound event where the performer reads written text from a computer screen. While doing so, an eye tracker is tracing the reader’s gaze. The software applies the duration that the eye spends on a word to the duration in which the sound of this entire spoken word is being played back. After concluding reading, the manipulated sound of the spoken words is played back accordingly to the recorded eye movement.

Contrary to the controlled and loud pronunciation of read words, this situation uncovers a cognitive and semi-conscious process of reading as an invisible and nonlinear process of following and sense-making that is in continuous state of becoming. Sonic embodiment and public presentation of this transient process acts as an unconscious and unwritten sonic composition. This composition makes audible and accommodates research into reading speech as a non-performative activity that in its specific temporality and non-linearity corrodes the meaning of the text, while it articulates its hidden musicality.

Software development: Darien Brito, Giuliano Anzani
Co-producer: Zavod Projekt ATOL
Supported by Creative Industries Fund NL/Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, The Nederlands

15.6.2018, EBU meeting, Radio Slovenia, NUK, Ljubljana

Uroš Smasek: Od kovača do knapa in Brati branje, Ars RTV, 20.6.2018
Reading Voice
Multimedia installation

Reading Voice is an installation that explores indescribable zone in between a written word as an object in space and a spoken word as an event in time throught the act of reading.

Using eye-tracking technology and self developed software, the installation connects the elements of voice, looking, written words and meaning by sonifying the gaze of the reader’s eye.

This experimental setting accommodates a situation that brings to the fore complex temporal relations between seeing, listening, written word, meaning, inner and external voices, that are unfolding while the activity of reading. Activating an instance of the pre-view of a view as a temporal interval that emerges in between sensing and making sense.

Software development: Darien Brito, Giuliano AnzaniCo-producer: Zavod Projekt ATOL 
Supported by Creative Industries Fund NL/Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, The Niderlands and Mondriaan Fund, The Nederlands

26.–28.11.2018, osmo/za, Ljubljana08.–29.02.2020, gallery Errant Sound, Berlin, Germany

Reading Vito Acconci
Software, video and sound

How can one unlearn something one has forgotten learning?

Reading Vito Acconci is based on the artist’s encounter with Acconci’s text [READ THIS WORD THEN READ THIS WORD]. In the video, the text is projected and gradually drawn over by an animated trace of the captured artist’s gaze. The artist counts the letters aloud in his native tongue. The animation and the sound are the  record of the cognitive activity, bringing to the fore spatial, temporal and kinetic relations between the moving eyes and the graphic territories of the letters. Simultaneously, the video interferes with the field of operations taking place between the projected text and the visitor’s gaze and inner voice. The text is broken into a string of consecutive letters and the temporalities of looking, seeing, perceiving and saying are differentiated. Through these strategies, the video becomes an instrument to unlearn underlying yet forgotten rules of the internalized and sub-cognitive activity of reading that are semantically laid bare in Acconci’s text.

Software development: Darien BritoCo-producer: Zavod Projekt ATOL 
Supported by Creative Industries Fund NL/Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, The Nederlands and Mondriaan Fund, The Nederlands

27.–28.12.2019, Španski borci, Ljubljana
08.–29.02.2020, gallery Errant Sound, Berlin, Germany
13. 4.–28. 5. 2023, Cukrarna, Ljubljana

Reading (as) Bodies
Multimedia installation
Reading (as) Bodies is a spatial intervention, responsive sound installation and performative setting emphasizing the notion of written text as a graphic territory and the act of reading as a bodily movement. Using tracing technology and digital sound synthesis, the installation accommodates a situation where visitors bodily inhabit the graphic representation and sonic manifestation of written text simultaneously through the processes of magnification, movement and slowing down. This situation disrupts the practice of reading and unsettles the established relations between body, text, voice, movement, space and hearing, setting the ground for an interpretative community of bodies to emerge.

Software development: Darien Brito, Giuliano AnzaniCo-producer: Zavod Projekt ATOL 
Supported by Creative Industries Fund NL/Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, The Nederlands and Mondriaan Fund, The Nederlands

11. 9. 2020, Public performance with MAZE, V2_ Lab for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam
17.–30. 9. 2021, Cirkulacija 2, Ljubljana
13. 4.–28. 5. 2023, Cukrarna, Ljubljana


Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein

By Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Online presenttion of the project
Text Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein, sound, video.

Online presentation of the project Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein presents some elements of the work. The installation is an interpretation of the written play Short Sentences (1932) by Gertrude Stein.  The play consists of 561 mostly unrelated short sentences. Each is spoken by a different character. The author interprets the written play so that he allocates each sentence of the play to a unique reader that he records. He calls this practice distributed reading. In addition to the sound recordings of the sentences there is a video of the written sentences that are spoken by the chorus, and the sound recording of the names of all the characters, read by a single voice.

Online presentation includes two videos. The first video consists of the sound recordings of the first hundred names, accompanied by the written opening stage instruction. The second video consists of the sound recordings of the first hundred sentences read by hundred different voices. In between the sound recordings written chorus sentences appear in between the sound recordings.

Distributed reading

The practice of mediated and distributed reading involves substituting singular silent reader of the text with plurality of unrelated, isolated and scattered partial readers. Together they form a plurality of reading voices that transpose Stein’s written text on the sonic realm. This brings attention to the inaccessible aural qualities of the inner reading voice, and how it is affected when encountering plurality of characters in the play. Do we hear the sonic quality of own inner reading voice? When reading a play with various characters, do the characters modify the inner reading voice, or, does the inner reading voice unify the plurality of characters it is speaking for and lending them the selfhood of the reader? Is this inner voice singular or are there many? Does the possible plurality of inner voices indicate internally fragmented and plural subjectivity?

The play as a pre-echo of the contemporary lived reality

The final installation sonically embodies the fragmented and dispersed nature of (overheard) voices, which evoke situations of strangers passing by, continuous mobility, decentralization, isolation within a crowd, discontinuity, banality and continuity of distractions. By doing so the work acts as an imaginary re-connection between Stein’s play and the contemporary lived reality it might be capturing. A reality that was not entirely there yet when the play was written, but which is intensely present in the contemporary everyday life - on a busy urban street, in public transport, at an airport, or, zapping through TV channels, browsing the Internet, scanning through the radio frequencies or on the social media platforms.

Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein is a part of artistic research project Reading Reading.

Names: Sher Doruff
In Order of Appearance:
Zala Česnik, Karmen Keržar, Katja Gabrijelčič, Špela Škulj, Hotimir Knific, Gal Škrjanec Skaberne, Kai Ottenheim, Taja Rajterič, Andreja Rauch Podzavirnik, Jaka Šimenc, Omar Ismaila, Nina Smerkol, Špela Trošt, Leon Curk, Luka Zagoričnik, Domen Pal, Tomo Per, Primoż Čučnik, Enej Grom, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, Olja Simčič Jerele, Alejandro Ramirez, Maxim Tyminko, Martijn Tellinga, Sonja Vulpes, Tomaž Grom, Laurie Cuitmans, Maja Šučur, Koen Nutters, Yannis Kyriakides, Aria Trošt Bargalini, Katarina Schwarzbartl, Becket MWN, Ana Pepelink, Arnisa Zeqo, Mirko Lazović, Bennett Hogg, Boris Baltschun, Irena Tomažin, Doug Barrett, Lore Gablier, Gabriel Paiuk, Agata Stoinska, Mario Assef, Andrea Knezović, Bojan Fajfrić, Maia Elisabeth Sørensen, Milena Bonilla, Alena Alexandrova, Vincent Verhoef, Jonas Kocher, Anne LaBerge, Huib Haye van der Werf, Klaas van Gorkum, Rune Peitersen, Edwin Zwakman, Elena Biserna, Nadim Abbas, Riccardo Massari Spiritini, Barbara Lüneburg, Marko Ciciliani, Matteo Casarin, Mika Cimolini, Natalia Domingez Rangel, Nathan Michelle, Sylbee Kim, Tjaša Podgornik, Hannah Cheney, Guy Koeningsteen, Heman Chong, Rumiko Hagiwara, John Grzinić, Ana Nikitović, Uroš Veber, Stefan Thut, Marlies van Hak, Nicolas Pelzer, Raviv Ganchrow, Panayotis Leftheris, Doris Prlić, Anže Sekelj, Dacho, Robert Pravda, Mint Park, Taku Mizutta Lipitt - DJ Sniff, Sander Breure, Iratxe Jaio, Anna Orlikowska, Lucas Norer, Sascha Pohle, Tina Dolinšek, Christina Li, Maria Lalou, Xander Kaskens, Jessye Luk, Magdalen Wong, David Drum.

Produced by:
Sploh Institute and Projekt Atol Institute,  Ljubljana SLovenia
Project supported by:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana, Mondriaan Fund – NL.

21.–22. 1. 2021, internet platform
17.–30. 9. 2021, osmo/za, Ljubljana

Unvoiced Territories (2021)

Mobile application launch and intervention in public space

Unvoiced Territories is a sonic situation in outdoor public spaces and their virtual shadows that outlines a zone for experimental wandering, lingering, reading, contemplating, surveillance, mapping, movement, listening, sounding and voice. To inhabit and activate the work, visit the geographical location of the work and download the mobile app Unvoiced Territories.
The app will be published on 30 . 9 . 2021.
The first edition of the project takes place in central Ljubljana, Slovenia, between three bridges, Tivoli park, the train station and Križanke.
Text that only appears on the app is digitally inscribed onto public space accompanied by mediated sound to establish an invisible spatial setting in the city. Self-developed software maps the text onto the ground and also to prerecorded voices who read it – such that the letters on the map correspond to their speech sounds. Visitors can traverse the text written “on” the city, as their tracked phones emit the phonemes according to their movements over the text.

30. 9 .2021 at 18:00
Gathering place: in front of Moderna Galerija, Cankarjeva cesta 15, Ljubljana.
Intervention will move through the city and will last for approximately 1 hour.
Application Unvoiced Territories is published and available online (GooglePlay/AppStore) on 30.9.2021.

Link to the application:

Unvoiced Territories is a part of artistic research project Reading Reading (2017-). The project investigates the experience of reading as an interface between our interior mental state and the exterior world, asking whether what separates the two is a temporal, flexible and virtual gap, as opposed to a fixed corporal/material border.

Unvoiced Territories (2021)
Project by Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Software development:
TeaTracks (Jan T.v. Falkenstein)
Audio DSP based on work by Jushua Parmenter
Built with JUCE, OpenStreetMaps, Mapbox and Flutter
Rada Kovačević, Brigita Gračner, Špela Trošt, Luke Thomas Dunne, Erika Johnson Debeljak, Dalibor Novaković , Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec.
Produced by:
Sploh Institute and Projekt Atol Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Project supported by:
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana and Mondriaan Fund, Netherlands

30. 9. 2021, public space, Ljubljana

Reading Voice_photo_Christina_Li
Reading Voice_photo_Christina_Li
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Voice_photo_Till_Cremer
Reading Vito Acconci_photo: Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Reading Vito Acconci_photo: Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Reading (as) Bodies_photo_Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Reading (as) Bodies_photo_Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec
Reading (as) Bodies_photo_Fenna de Jong
Reading (as) Bodies_photo_Fenna de Jong
Reading (as) Bodies with MAZE Esnemble_photo_Tao G.V.S.
Reading (as) Bodies with MAZE Esnemble_photo_Tao G.V.S.
Reading (as) Bodies with MAZE Esnemble_photo_Tao G.V.S.
Reading (as) Bodies with MAZE Esnemble_photo_Tao G.V.S.
Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein
Reading Short Sentences by Gertrude Stein
Unvoiced Territories
Unvoiced Territories
Unvoiced Territories
Unvoiced Territories
Unvoiced Territories
Unvoiced Territories

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