Irena Z. Tomažin – voice and noise
“By removing layers of voice, unrestrained by conventions,
Tomažin brings the hidden, muted and forgotten to the surface, she brings out
something revolutionary and radical. However, abandoning such norms is not delinquent
flirting with the forbidden; it is an emancipatory gesture which reveals that expression
is both socially conditioned and restrictive.” (Utroša 2019)
Matej Stupica – saliva and ink
Ajdin Bašić – designe
Petra Gosenica, Gumb – Japanese ties
Sašo Kalan, Sonolab – recording, mix, mastering (1–11)
Jure Vlahovič, Studio Metro – recording (12–16)
- Ed Pinsent: The Book Of The Throat, The Sound Projector, 19.4.2020