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Razsrediščenja + Better LiveUpcomingArchivePhotography

Razsrediščenja + Better Live

concert cycle of experimental and improvised music

In 2024 and 2025, the Razsrediščenja cycle will be woven into the wider Better Live project, which was successful in the Creative Europe call for projects.

Better Live is an international project that will run until August 2026 and is committed to the sustainable circulation of musicians in Europe. It envisages the circulation and encourages the employability of European musicians in a sustainable way, i.e. by taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects. It addresses the challenges that the current crisis (post-covid era, war in Ukraine) has revealed and exacerbated. These are challenges that, if not addressed decisively, urgently and holistically, will ultimately threaten the diversity, quality and integrity of the entire European music scene. The current revival is a unique opportunity to lay solid foundations for a more fair, diverse and green music industry.

11 partners from different European countries participate in the project. Each of them should establish a network of local partners in their region to organize tours of invited foreign and local musicians. Who to invite and how to organize events is left to the regional networks, which decide for themselves. However, since the project addresses environmental, social and economic issues, this circulation will take place in the form of small concerts in connection with local communities and will be fairly paid. This means, for example, that the performer does not fly in just for one big festival event, but we enable him or her a tour of several smaller concerts, maybe a residency, workshops, recording and networking with local musical actresses and actors, even in the long term.In order to realize this goal, we have networked with several partners at the local/regional level who organize diverse musical events. The plan is to carry out a total of 30 or more activities in 2024 and 2025, within the framework of two tours in each year.

Better Live + Razsrediščenja tour 2024: 

Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Kjetil Jerve
22. 9. Monfalcone – Il Carso in Corso: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Giorgio Pacorig  
23. 9. Ljubljana, Klub Gromka – Defonija: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Mojca Zupančič, Boris Janje
24. 9. Maribor, GT22:  Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk,  Aphra Tesla, Rob Canning 
25. 9. in 26. 9. Velenje, Glasbena šola  Fran Korun Koželjski – delavnica za otroke in koncert: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk 
27. 9. Lokavec, Klub Štala: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Kjetil Jerve, Jure Boršič 
28. 9. Vrhnika, Cankarjev dom – Cikel koncertov Rojišče: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Kjetil Jerve, Jošt Drašler, Vid Drašler
29. in 30. 9. Bistrica ob Sotli – rezidenca: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Kjetil Jerve
1. in 2. 10. Zagreb, Močvara – festival Impronedjeljak: Hans Kjorstad, Sigrid Aftret, Christian Meaas Svendsen, Patrycja Wybrańczyk, Kjetil Jerve

Vasco Trilla & Diego Caicedo
5.4. Trieste, Hangar Teatri: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Tea Vidmar, Tomaž Grom
6.4. Cerkno, Dvorana Glasbene šole v Cerknem – Keltika concert series: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Jošt Drašler
7.4. Vrhnika, Železniška postaja Vrhnika-Mesto – Rojišče concert series: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Jošt Drašler, Vid Drašler
8.4. Zagreb, Močvara – Impronedjeljak concert series: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla
9.4. Bistrica ob Sotli, Klub Metulj – Residency/recording & concert: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Jure Boršič, Žiga Ipavec
10.4. Bistrica ob Sotli, Klub Metulj – Residency: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla
11.4. Maribor, GT22: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Tea Vidmar, Irena Z. Tomažin
12.4. Lokavec, Klub Štala: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla
13.4. Šempeter pri Gorici, Bivša kinodvorana v Šempetru – FriFruFra series: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Jure Boršič, Žiga Ipavec
14.4. Staranzano – DobiaLab: Diego Caicedo, Vasco Trilla, Andrea Gulli, Paolo Pascolo 

Defonija, Ljubljana
Humanistično in Umetniško Društvo "O", Vrhnika
KUD Kussa, Lokavec pri Ajdovščini
KUD Zvočni izviri (Fri-Fru-Fra in  Brda Contemporary Music Festival), Nova Gorica, Brda
Jazz Cerkno, Cerkno
GT22, Maribor
Non-Aligned label, Bistrica ob Sotli
Sajeta, Tolmin
Zavod Daljnogled Šoštanj
DobiaLab, Staranzano (IT)
Hangar Teatri, Trieste (IT)
Umjetnička organizacija Cargo (Impronedjeljak), Zagreb (HR)
Zavod Sploh, Ljubljana

Le Périscope, Lyon (FR)
Wytwórnia, Łódź (PL)
Bimhuis, Amsterdam (NL)
Nasjonal Jazzscene, Oslo (NO)
Plataforma Jazz España, Cadiz (ES)
Zavod Sploh, Ljubljana (SI)
The Cluster, Athens (EL)
Improvised Music Company, Dublin (IE)
Livelab Tampere, Tampere (FI)
EMEE - European Music Exporters Exchange, Bruxelles (BE) / research partner
Jazzahead, Bremen (DE) / Dissemination partner
Better Live is co-funded by the 
Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
The Razsrediščenja cycle aims to promote music events in local spaces and connect them with the geographically wider scene. The common denominator of all participants is an uncompromising descent into experimental tryouts and the search for new musical content, themes, and forms. Razsrediščenja risk unproven combinations that provide vividness and unpredictability, pose a challenge to the diverse scene and thus force it into a curious confrontation with itself.

Exposing the domestic music creation is crucial for the awareness of the action and richness of local research activities, as well as for a regular review and reflection.

2021-2022 Igor Bezget (GT22, Maribor) 
2022 Andrej Boštjančič (Klub Metulj, Bistrica ob Sotli)
2023 Gal Furlan (Klub Štala, Lokavec), Tomaž Grom (Zavod Sploh), Zlatko Kaučič (Zvočni izviri)
2024 collective of regional network

2021 GT22
2022 GT22Klub Metulj 
2023 KUD Kussa, Hud-O, Zvočni izviri, PiNA, Sajeta

Past events - click


Razsrediščenja BoS: Andrej Černelč, Andrej Fon, Gaja Pekošak, Marek Fakuč, Bistrica ob Sotli

19.03.2022 Klub Metulj, Bistrica ob Sotli

Andrej Černelč (kitara in tolkala) in Andrej Fon (saksofon)
Gaja Pekošak (tolkala) in Marek Fakuč (bobni)

Gaja Pekošak (2003) je bobnarka s Kozjanskega. Primarno se ukvarja z likovno umetnostjo, pred tem pa je kratko obdobje igrala diatonično harmoniko in pela v pevskem zboru. Z glasbo se začela resneje ukvarjati v letu 2020, ko je začela igrati bobne. Isto leto je nastal njen bend Dunraven. Včasih se loti tudi igranja kitare, pri projektu Dunraven pa je zadolžena še za vizualno podobo.
Andrej Černelč (1983) je od najstniških let vpet v alternativno sceno Bistrice ob Sotli. V bendih je največkrat sodeloval kot kitarist in pevec. Svoje kompozicije je kasneje predstavljal kot kantavtor, včasih pod umetniškim imenom Pat Tern. Še kasneje je odkril dar za rapanje. Danes je član rock tria Dunraven in hiphop dueta FlipFlop. Ukvarja se tudi z videom, literaturo in samostojnim glasbenim ustvarjanjem.

Andrej Fon (1980)  je glasbenik multi-inštrumentalist (kitara, saksofon, klarinet, druga DIY zvočila), improvizator in tekstopisec. Kot avtor glasbe-glasbenik in performer sodeluje pri več gledaliških, animacijskih in lutkovnih projektih. Izvaja tudi glasbene delavnice z otroki. Trenutno se največ posveča delu v skupinah Svojat, Olfamož in Oholo!

Marek Fakuč je bobnar, tolkalec in producent. Poznamo ga iz vrst Kavčičevega Komba A ter bendov Marta Fakuch, Etceteral, Eating Sports, Pro Polis in drugih. V polju improvizacije, poezije in avantgarde pa akustične inštrumente in naključne predmete prepleta z raznimi elektronskimi napravami, te zlorablja za doseganje raznovrstnih zvočnih ambientov in vzorcev.

Kurator Razsrediščenj BoS je Andrej Boštjančič Ruda.


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