Zavod Sploh


It is designed as a place to integrate and connect various media within a musical event. At the production level, it provides an in-depth methodology for creating and co-creating, conceiving and contextualizing, collective creation and comprehending contemporary music. It establishes a platform for extended and more intense searching, experimentation, testing and connecting between musicians (improvisers, contemporary musicians, composers, sound artists), musicologists and other theoreticians and creators in a variety of expressive fields (video, mixed media, writers …).

The project is aimed at promoting and developing musical, sound and advanced performance procedures, principles and methods of creating and receiving artistic content and form. In this, it aims to empower the importance of the reasons that lead an artist to a public artistic act, and also for the audience to recognize the reasoning, the meaning, as well as the selection of procedures, techniques, musical language and other elements. An articulate starting point and comprehensive gestures provide the possibilities for specific artistic and broader social impact. Sluhodvod creates reflection as the starting point and goal of the creative process. It addresses the collective creative process and loosens the theoretical, institutional and technological boundaries.

Sluhodvod 2021
Sluhodvod 2019


Sluhodvod #2: Delci

Sluhodvod se je v svoji prvi ediciji posvetil konceptualnemu raziskovanju zvočnosti. V procesu brisanja meje med aktivnim in pasivnim, med poslušalstvom in performerji se je ustvaril prostor občutljivega in pozornega izvajanja in poslušanja. 
Tokrat fenomen zvoka opazujemo iz zgodovinske in transestetske in transpoetske perspektive. Preizprašujemo mnogotere kanone, pristope v glasbi, dogme in utemeljene metode. Krute načine, ki ne priznavajo drugih in drugačnih poetik in estetik. Na tnalo postavljamo svoje dvome in premisleke glede ultimatov trendov, pravil in dorečenosti. Pod vprašaj postavljamo slepo sledenje le eni od možnih poti ustvarjanja, poustvarjanja in poslušanja zvoka. Razmislek se širi iz koncepta, prehaja v zvok in prostor, ki poleg ljudi, ki proces motrijo, igra ključno vlogo. Izstop iz konvencije se dogaja na več ravneh, multimedijska intervencija nam omogoča obogaten premislek iz različnih zornih kotov.
Se konvencij držimo kot pijanec plota oziroma kako se jih osvoboditi in zakaj, če sploh?

Stalni kolektiv:
Tisa Neža Herlec, Tilen Lebar, Ivana Maričić, Mauricio Valdes San Emeterio

Gostja: Neža Bojović

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