Zavod Sploh


A cycle of contemporary composed music

Zvokotok focuses on contemporary composed music. It is defined by the research of compositional procedures and often linked to music technology. It encourages and merges unique sound languages and performative innovativeness and moves contemporary compositions into new spatial and concert forms.
Zvokotok connects established institutional spaces of artistic activity with premises of the dynamic action of NGOs. It implements and maintains unburdened space of dialogue and overcome the artificial distinction between areas and venues of artistic activity.

The program in 2024 is conceived by Luka Juhart.

In 2024, Zvokotok focuses mainly on local creators and performers of contemporary and improvised music. The concerts are conceived as a confrontation of music with other branches of art and a confrontation of "music with music". The concerts bring together different approaches to performance that cannot be heard and seen at the same events. Luka Juhart

The program was conceived by:
2014 Nina Prešiček, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Luka Juhart
2015 Nina Prešiček, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Luka Juhart
2016 Tomaž Grom
2017 Jonas Kocher
2018 Tomaž Grom
2019 Primož Trdan
2020 Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio 
2021 Luka T. Zagoričnik
2022 Steven Loy  
2023 Nina Dragičević


Zvokotok: Black Page Orchestra

Zvokotok - 15. maj - ob 20:00 - Španski borci

Matthias Kranebitter - dead girl (requiem E)
Stefan Prins - Fremdkörper II
Mikolaj Laskowski - Oh to Rub the Waxy Buddah
Alexander Kaiser - novo delo
Hanna Hartmann - Rainbirds
Sarah Nemtsov - White Eyes Erased

BLACK PAGE ORCHESTRA je ansambel, ki igra radikalno in brezkompromisno glasbo našega časa. Ustanovljen je bil na Dunaju leta 2014, njegovo ime izhaja iz skladbe Franka Zappe, katere partitura je zaradi visoke gostote not in glasbenih dogodkov skoraj povsem črno potiskana stran.
Poleg tega estetskega pristopa se ansambel osredotoča na izvajanje skladb z elektroniko, videom, drugih tehnologij in performativnim značajem.

Promocijski video

Koncert je finančno podprt s strani Avstrijskega kulturnega foruma Ljubljana.


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