Zavod Sploh


A cycle of contemporary composed music

Zvokotok focuses on contemporary composed music. It is defined by the research of compositional procedures and often linked to music technology. It encourages and merges unique sound languages and performative innovativeness and moves contemporary compositions into new spatial and concert forms.
Zvokotok connects established institutional spaces of artistic activity with premises of the dynamic action of NGOs. It implements and maintains unburdened space of dialogue and overcome the artificial distinction between areas and venues of artistic activity.

The program in 2024 is conceived by Luka Juhart.

In 2024, Zvokotok focuses mainly on local creators and performers of contemporary and improvised music. The concerts are conceived as a confrontation of music with other branches of art and a confrontation of "music with music". The concerts bring together different approaches to performance that cannot be heard and seen at the same events. Luka Juhart

The program was conceived by:
2014 Nina Prešiček, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Luka Juhart
2015 Nina Prešiček, Bojana Šaljić Podešva, Luka Juhart
2016 Tomaž Grom
2017 Jonas Kocher
2018 Tomaž Grom
2019 Primož Trdan
2020 Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio 
2021 Luka T. Zagoričnik
2022 Steven Loy  
2023 Nina Dragičević


Zvokotok v CD: Ekologija svetlobe_Neofonía

Zvokotok v CD: Ekologija svetlobe
23.maj ob 20:00, Cankarjev dom


Barbara Spital, flavta
Izak Hudnik, violončelo
Jan Gričar, saksofone
Miha Haas, klavir
Klemen Leben, akordeon
Peter Jeretina, tolkala
Mauricio Valdes, režiser zvoka
Steven Loy, dirgent in umetniški vodja

Mario Lavista, Jutranjica, za solo ozvočeno flavto (Canto del alba, 1979)
Kaija Saariaho, Cvetni listi, za violončelo in elektroniko (Petals, 1988)
Carlos de Castellarnau, Krhke celice, za saksofon, klavir, akordeon, tolkala in elektroniko (Fragile Cells, 2016)
Melani Popit, Naknadno 2, za violončelo, saksofon in tolkala, prva izvedba (2022)
Toshio Hosokawa, V globino časa, za akordeon in violončelo (In die Tiefe der Zeit, 1994)
Paul Clift, Astatine, za saksofon, violončelo, akordeon in elektroniko (2019)

Program Zvokotoka v letu 2022 kurira Steven Loy.


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