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Sound (Dis)obedienceArchiveCriticsPhotography

Sound (Dis)obedience

Sound (Dis)obedience 2025
27.-39. 3. 2025, Španski borci, Ljubljana

Thursday 27. 3. 2025
. Simon Klavžar, Jože Bogolin, Špela Mastnak, Luka Poljanec, Jan Čibej, Kristijan Kmet performing Timber by Michael Gordon
. Jazia: Salwa Jaradat, Sham Salloum, Ali Alhout

Friday 28. 3. 2025
. Marmalsana: Burkhard Beins / Tony Elieh / Maurice Louca
. Danielle Roccato
. Farida Amadou, Aquiles Navarro

Saturday 29. 3. 2025
. concert with workshop participants
. Vesna Pisarović / Tony Buck / Noël Akchoté
. Thuluth: Magda Mayas, Ute Wassermann, Raed Yassin

Workshop with Farida Amadou and Aquiles Navarro.
Sound (Dis)obedience is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana.

Sound (Dis)obedience is engaged in staging, development, reflection and dissemination of research practices in music and sound. An assembly of diverse events, meetings, presentations of publishing activities, the implementation of international networks and discussions behind the bar multifacetedly address this diverse creative field. Sound (Dis)obedience brings together guest musicians, interested local artists, audiences and the professional public. As such, it is not only a festival of certain music, but also and above all an realization of openness, cooperation and flexibility.

Sound (Dis)obedience is a space for exchange, where by way of concerts, workshops, lectures, and other forms, different border-line musical practices can interact with each other.

Curator: Tomaž Grom

Past programs


Sound Disobedience 2019 - Day 1

workshop (Michael Zerang)

Agnes Hvizdalek - voice, Daniel Lercher - electronics

Marina Džukljev - piano, Jošt Drašler – contrabass, Áron Porteleki - drums

Sven-Åke Johannson - drums, Christine Abdelnour - sax


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