Zavod Sploh


(Ne)forma, a series of performative improvisations, connects two media, ie artists from two artistic genres, musicians who deal with sonority in a special way, and performers whose main tool is their body; nurtures and enables the development of improvisation as a practice and stage event; it study the process and welcomes mistakes, mishaps, stage disasters, as it is aware that these are the best study examples.

In 2024, the cycle will be concivied by Nataša Živković and Samo Kutin.

If we do not want Neform to become a form in itself, we must open the possibility for participating artists to propose and test their conceptual parameters. In addition to dancers and musicians, Neforma also invites writers to think about improvisation. The idea is to introduce people who have a special approach to the stage and art in general. By bringing them to the territory of a live event, we believe that this could open up creative experiences for all participants of Neforma, including the audience itself. Neforma invites artists as guests and in the same time as hosts. They can decide to change the protocols, suggest different ways of collaborating with the audience, and even the location and format of their improvisation

Programme curators
2023 Nina Fajdiga in Andrej Fon
2022 Loup Abramovici in Vid Drašler
2021 Suzana Koncut in Andrej Fon
2020 Tina Valentan in Jošt Drašler
2019 Kaja Lorenci in Jošt Drašler
2015 do 2018 Katja Legin in Jošt Drašler
2010 do 2014 Špela Trošt in Tomaž Grom


(Ne)forma #95 v sklopu PARL-a

PARL: (Ne)forma #95
28. AVGUST 2022 / 20:00
Nova pošta, Ljubljana

Performerji/Performers: Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez, Jasna Jasna Žmak, Junya Ishii, Lewis Major, Luka Piletič, Morana Novosel
Glasbenika/Musicians: Vid Drašler, Tom Jackson
At this edition of (Ne)forma in the production of Zavod Sploh the participants of PARL – Performance Art Research Ljubljana will join the musicions on the stage of Španski borci. More about the PARL participants on
V sklopu tokratne (Ne)forme v produkciji Zavoda Sploh se bodo glasbenikoma Vidu Drašlerju (bobni) in Tomu Jacksonu (klarinet) pridružili udeleženci letošnje edicije mednarodnega projekta PARL - Performance Art Research Ljubljana za raziskave sodobnih scenskih umetnosti, ki poteka med 22. in 31. avgustom na različnih lokacijah po Ljubljani. Letošnji PARL udeleženci: Chiara Alissa Estivariz Lopez, ki živi in ustvarja na Finskem, s Hrvaške prihajata dramaturginja Jasna Jasna Žmak in gledališka režiserka Morana Novosel, igralec, performer in producent Junya Ishii z Japonske, avstralski plesalec in režiser Lewis Major ter domači gledališki ustvarjalec in igralec Luka Piletič.
Neforma, serija glasbeno-performativnih improvizacij, je študijsko-procesno orientirana in pozdravlja napake, zdrse, odrske katastrofe, saj se zaveda, da so to najboljši študijski primeri.
V letu 2022 cikel snujeta Loup Abramovici in Vid Drašler.

Produkcija: Zavod Sploh


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