On January 1, 2017, Slovenia had 406,997 residents with completed high
school education and 431,161 residents who have completed a minimum
elementary school. (
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia)
A survey by the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica from
2015 found that 72.9% of respondents believe that knowledge in Slovenia
is underestimated and that only 45% believe that knowledge also affects
the possibility of better employment. (
FUDŠ, Knowledge Society)
Andreja Barle Lakota, the former State Secretary of the Ministry of
Education, Science and Sport, warns that schools are becoming
“organizations for rapid delivery of knowledge". "Intensifying the
importance of usefulness of knowledge, without strengthening the power
of knowledge in overcoming the existing, its power to liberate, utopian
dimensions of knowledge means denying its essence.