Zavod Sploh

Šift 2019 - knowledge

On January 1, 2017, Slovenia had 406,997 residents with completed high school education and 431,161 residents who have completed a minimum elementary school. (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia)

A survey by the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica from 2015 found that 72.9% of respondents believe that knowledge in Slovenia is underestimated and that only 45% believe that knowledge also affects the possibility of better employment. (FUDŠ, Knowledge Society)

Andreja Barle Lakota, the former State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, warns that schools are becoming “organizations for rapid delivery of knowledge". "Intensifying the importance of usefulness of knowledge, without strengthening the power of knowledge in overcoming the existing, its power to liberate, utopian dimensions of knowledge means denying its essence.
The blurring of the boundaries between formal and other types of knowledge can turn schools into companies for fast delivery of the known” . (Andreja Barle: Instrumentalization of Knowledge – schools organizations for rapid delivery of knowledge?, 2007)

According to Althusser, school is ideological state apparatus, which takes care of the reproduction of existing relations of production. “Of course, the ideology explains the school as neutral, respectful of children’s awareness, as a way to their freedom, the moral – the school as a source of knowledge [...] In addition to techniques (skills) and insights, during schooling, we also learn the rules of good behavior, rules of appropriate conduct according to the situation, rules of morality, civic awareness – rules of subordination to the rule of class domination. They also teach us the rules of the correct speech, language, writing, rules of correct ordering – the proper way to speak to subordinates. The word thus guarantees the dominance of the ruling class, through the reproduction of subordination to the rules of the ruling ideology and the practice of this subordination.” (Zlatko Kovačič: Ideological State Apparatus, 2003)

Coordinator in producer: Špela Trošt
Artistic direction: Bojan Jablanovec
Video documentation: Martina Dervarič
Production: Via Negativa
Co-production: Zavod Sploh

16th April 2019
Workshops and public presentations: Loup Abramovici, Andrej Fon

ŠIFT#7, #8 in #9 OŠ Videm pri Ptuju
13th and 16th May 2019
Workshops: Loup Abramovici, Andrej Fon, Tomaž Grom

14th May 2019
Workshops: Tomaž Grom
Vrtec Mežica_foto: Bojan Jablanovec
Vrtec Mežica_foto: Bojan Jablanovec

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