Zavod Sploh
Ventilator Archive


The four-year Ventilator author cycle will have four stages of development. Each year, we will give the opportunity for a selected author, duo or group to develop their creative potential to crossover and connect the musical and performing arts. Ventilator introduces new creative approaches to the expression of music-dance-performance. It will highlight innovations in understanding artistic action, the different relationships between structured form and improvisation, the thoughtful relationships with the space and audience, new methods of performance production.

The title suggests ventilation, airing, fluid content, theme, combinations, forms, techniques, mode of presence, modules, authors, performers, gestures and sonority. This enables exceptional creativity, originality, responsiveness and openness in creation. It will scaffold untested combinations of authors, performers, artistic styles and techniques.

Ventilator 2021


Ventilator #2: Translating Valeska (Flierl, Tomažin)

Jule Flierl and Irena Z. Tomažin
Congress Graz_by Clara Wildberger
Congress Graz_by Clara Wildberger


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