Zavod Sploh
Ventilator Archive


The four-year Ventilator author cycle will have four stages of development. Each year, we will give the opportunity for a selected author, duo or group to develop their creative potential to crossover and connect the musical and performing arts. Ventilator introduces new creative approaches to the expression of music-dance-performance. It will highlight innovations in understanding artistic action, the different relationships between structured form and improvisation, the thoughtful relationships with the space and audience, new methods of performance production.

The title suggests ventilation, airing, fluid content, theme, combinations, forms, techniques, mode of presence, modules, authors, performers, gestures and sonority. This enables exceptional creativity, originality, responsiveness and openness in creation. It will scaffold untested combinations of authors, performers, artistic styles and techniques.

Ventilator 2021


LA ISLA BONITA@LPP (Varja Hrvatin in the frame of Ventilator)


24.11. at
Starting point: bus station Bavarski dvor (Kora bar)
In collaboration with LPP.

🚌🚌🚌 We invite you for an autumn escape from the city center; a collective journey through Ljubljana’s public transportation. The boarding on the bus begins at 6pm, when we embark on the exploration of the peripheral areas of Ljubljana. Bring your Urbana cards, monthly bus passes and a cheerful spirit! Welcome to travel away with us! 🚌🚌🚌

Concept and script: Varja Hrvatin
Authors: Varja Hrvatin, Lina Akif, Leon Marič, Anja Romih, Vid Merlak, Simeon Perich
Performers: Lina Akif in Leon Marič
Video: Anja Romih
Music: Vid Merlak (DVMIR) in Simeon Perich (SHAO)
Production: Zavod Sploh and Via Negativa

La isla bonita is a cycle of hybrid events combining performance art and contemporary club music. It's a series of five site-specific experiments which deal with the »hype*« phenomenon and the various strategious it exploits. In terms of content and the narrative, La isla bonita is questioning the constant challenges and pressures of (re)creating content and its potential for the production of »hype«. What are the ways in which »hype« is generated and is there any content hidden behind it? Through various strategies of confronting contemporary club music with public non-performative spaces, La isla bonita explores the role and the power of »hype« in experiencing and valuing content – both on social media as well as in the context of art.

*Hype refers to artificially created expectations around a person or a product whose promotional campaing and image have been built from overestimating their traits and characteristics.


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