Zavod Sploh
digital 1.5UpcomingArchivePhotography

digital 1.5

digital 1.5

The digital 1.5 project is a series of five staging events that explore touch. Each event is an independent attempt to haptically read the world with a digital understanding of the physicality and the practice of mutual closeness and the coexistence of objects to which viewers are invited. The selected group of bodies establishes contact with other bodies in space – with the bodies of performers, the body of space, the sonic body, and the bodies of technological objects. The latter is an increasingly important interface for our entry into the world. By using them, the digital 1.5 questions the mediatization of closeness and intimacy, and by applying the solid digital logic of devices and their software to the soft organic bodies of people, it speculates about man, who is not only a source of information, but also a device for processing and storing data.

The touch in the digital 1.5 is a way of communicating and a means of encountering the other; it is a digitized data and a transmission medium at the same time. The project builds on the idea of ​​the medium as given by Y. Citton in his book The Ecology of Attention. The author describes the media as diffuse ecosystems that not only represent reality, but they actively form it. Thus, an ‘infrastructure of resonances that condition our attention’ is formed according to the ideas that ‘surround and fulfil us’. In this respect, thedigital 1.5 is not in search of a loud staging gesture, but it wants to provide a space of visibility or, in Citton's language, an environment of reasoning for increasingly marginalized and, at the time of the pandemic, transgressive practices of mutual closeness and touching.

digital 1.5.3
Art direction: Jan Rozman
Performers: Leon Marič, Jan Rozman, Mojca Sovdat
Music: Luka Seliškar
Costume design: Tanja Pađan / Kiss the Future
Video documentation: Juš Jeraj
Photography: Nada Žgank
Executive producer: Brigita Gračner
Kino Šiška, 27.9.2021

digital 1.5.2
Art direction: Jan Rozman
Performers: Maja Kalafatić, Leon Marič
Music: Luka Seliškar
Costume design: Tanja Pađan / Kiss the Future
Video documentation: Juš Jeraj
Photo: Marijo Župan
Executive producer: Brigita Gračner

25. 6. 2021, Tivoli, Ljubljana

digital 1.5.1
study / installation
Art direction: Jan Rozman
Performers: Beno Novak, Julija Pečnikar, Jan Rozman, Liza Šimenc
Music: Luka Seliškar
Costume design: Tanja Pađan / Kiss the Future
Video documentation: Juš Jeraj
Photo: Marijo Župan
Executive producer: Brigita Gračner

31. 5. 2021, Fotopub, Ljubljana


Goli oder: Stvar interpretacije, Stara elektrarna ob 19h

Goli oder: Stvar interpretacije
23. 10. ob 19:00, Stara elektrarna

Kaj je bilo prej, beseda ali gib? Ali izgovorjena misel določa telo ali gibanje telesa sproži misel? Kako gibanje in interpretacija gibanja tekmujeta za prevlado, kako drug drugega spodbujata, določata in omejujeta? V tem igrivem raziskovanju odnosa med gibom in besedo se razplastita tudi odnos med nastopajočimi in odnos med nastopajočimi in občinstvom.
V predstavi tri plesalke improvizirajo gibe, ki jih sproti interpretira četrti nastopajoči. Vsake toliko se zasliši glasba, vsake toliko se katera od plesalk za nekaj časa umakne, vsake toliko časa nekdo v občinstvu zakašlja. Vse je podvrženo interpretaciji. Vse je Stvar interpretacije.

Predstava poteka v slovenskem jeziku.
Cena vstopnice je 7 €, za obe predstavi večera pa 12€.

Zamisel, avtorstvo, koreografija: Kristina Aleksova
Soavtorstvo in izvedba: Anita Wach, Luka Piletič, Sara Janašković
Luč: Borut Cajnko
Produkcija: Zavod SPLOH
Producentka: Špela Trošt

Kristina Aleksova je plesalka, koreografinja in performerka.
Anita Wach je plesalka, koreografinja in performerka.
Sara Janašković je plesalka, koreografinja in pedagoginja.
Luka Piletič je igralec, performer in klovn.
Vsi štirje so strastne improvizatorke.

Predstava je nastala v sklopu cikla Ventilator Zavoda SPLOH, kjer ima vsako leto možnost razvijanja svojega avtorskega potenciala izbrani avtor, avtorski tandem ali kolektiv, ki preči in povezuje glasbeno in uprizoritveno področje. Ventilator uvaja nove ustvarjalne pristope h glasbeno-plesno-performativnemu izražanju ter izpostavlja inovacije v razumevanju umetniškega dejanja, drugačna razmerja med strukturirano formo in improvizacijo ter premišljen odnos s prostorom in občinstvom.


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