Zavod Sploh


Meeting 3: Trip-tih

Trojka (Jurij - Samo - Katja) sets the third stage as a series in three "episodes" over three days in three different venues. Samo lives in Lesni Brdo, Katja in Krušče, and Španski borci are almost like a home stage. There has always been quite some time between editions so far, this time three improvised performances take place in a condensed manner, one after the other, in three days. Ventilator in new spatio-temporal coordinates.

22.09.2020, Pri Samu, Lesno Brdo
23.09.2020, Pri Katji, Krušče
24.09.2020, Španski borci, Ljubljana

Meeting 2: Katja Legin, Jurij Konjar, Samo Kutin

In addition to the new combination – Katja, Jurij and multi-instrumentalist Samo Kutin – the second edition was also marked by a new experience of “theater” after three months of self-isolation. They spent one work week together and built toward the show.

05.06.2020, Španski borci, Ljubljana

Meeting 1: Katja Legin, Jurij Konjar, Zlatko Kaučič

1. MEETING: a situation where two or more people meet, randomly or by agreement. Meeting of Zlatko, Jurij and Katja. Meeting of Katja, Zlatko and Jurij at every public event. Meeting of Katja, Jurij and Zlatko with the audience at each of these events. Meeting as potential for change. Meeting as a space of confrontation and negotiation between me and you, between me and us. Meeting someone other as (my) mirror.
2. CONVERSATION: conversation as a way of exchange. Exchange between Zlatko, Jurij and Katja. An exchange between Jurij, Katja, Zlatko and the audience present at each event. Conversation as listening. Conversation as saying oneself in front of another. Conversation as silence between question and answer, between what is said / realized and the response to it.
3. IMPROVISATION AND COMPOSITION at the same time. Improvisation is composing, composing is improvisation. Is this true? But? What is the relationship? When do I do what? What do we do together?
4. EVENT: anything that happens, especially important or unusual. An event in the context of performing arts. Meeting as an event. Conversation / exchange as an event. An event like the moment we all know it’s happening now. When it happens, we don’t care if it was a composed or improvised moment. An event as a moment that gives meaning to the presence (Jurij, Zlatko, Katja and the audience).

16.01.2020, Španski borci, Ljubljana


La Isla Bonita@Emona (Varja Hrvatin v okviru cikla Ventilator)

Serija petih site-specific eksperimentov, ki v ospredje postavlja vprašanje »hajpa« ter različnih strategij za njegovo vzpostavljanje.

9.10. ob 18.00
V sodelovanju z ladjico EMONA.
Obvezna je rezervacija na: spelca200(at)

⛵️⛵️⛵️ Vabljeni na zaključek poletja; večerno plovbo skozi pravljično osrčje mestnega jedra. Plovbo do isle bonite pričenjamo ob 18h ter se podajamo na skrivnostno odkrivanje globočin reke Ljubljanice. Prinesite pametne telefone, senčnike in veliko dobre volje. Dobrodošli, da plujete z nami! ⛵️⛵️⛵️

Cikel glasbeno-uprizoritvenih dogodkov La isla bonita je serija petih site-specific eksperimentov, ki v ospredje postavlja vprašanje »hajpa*« ter različnih strategij za njegovo vzpostavljanje. Vsebinsko se La isla bonita naslanja na nenehne izzive in pritiske (po)ustvarjanja vsebin ter njihovim potencialom za produciranje »hajpa«. Na kakšne vse načine se generira »hajp« in kakšna vsebina se za njim sploh skriva? Skozi različne strategije vmeščanja klubske glasbe v javne neizvedbene prostore, La isla bonita raziskuje moč in vlogo »hajpa« v doživljanju in vrednotenju vsebin, tako na socialnih omrežjih kot v kontekstu umetnosti.

*Hype se nanaša na pričakovanja, umetno ustvarjena okoli osebe ali izdelka, katerih promocijska kampanja in podoba sta bila zgrajena iz precenitve njihovih lastnosti.

Avtorica koncepta in scenarija uprizoritve: Varja Hrvatin
Avtorji: Varja Hrvatin, Lina Akif, Leon Marič, Anja Romih, Vid Merlak, Simeon Perich
Izvedba: Lina Akif in Leon Marič
Video: Anja Romih
Glasba: Vid Merlak (DVMIR) in Simeon Perich (SHAO)
Produkcija: Zavod Sploh in Via Negativa



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