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Loup Abramovici: I Don't Work, I Practice CollectivityUpcomingArchive

Loup Abramovici: I Don't Work, I Practice Collectivity

photo: Nada Žgank
photo: Nada Žgank
Work of the opus Let’s Work! (2022–2023) by Loup Abramovici, Tomaž Grom, Teja Reba, Špela Trošt

Concept and performer: Loup Abramovici

Production: Teja Reba
Coproduction: Sploh Institute
Partner: Bunker Institute (within the European project Stronger Peripheries: Southern Coalitions)
Financial support: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia

10. 2. 2022, Stara Elektrarna (Old Power Station), Ljubljana

People usually work for economic reasons. Work can also be an unplanned consequence of certain life or study choices. Work is often accompanied by routine and a fixed schedule, followed by periods of rest, holidays, wasting time, and then reentry into the normal cycle of production with the same people in the same premises. If an activity fails to evoke a certain sense of meaning in the person who does it, it becomes empty, burdensome, not satisfying. Dissatisfaction in the workplace often stems precisely from the disparity between what the worker would like to do and what is required of him.

I have always considered what I do as far removed from normal forms of work. The creative process, which is a key aspect of artistic work, is indeed very different from the established modes of production and labor relations defined by the capitalist economic system. Because the essence of artistic practice is the discovery of something that we do not necessarily know, it is less burdened by predetermined procedures than many other labor practices. The space between intention and result is therefore fluid, playful, and thus potentially offers a perception of a different world (a way out of the system, out of the routine), and a decolonization of the imagination, not only for performers but also for the audience.

In my case, my body is the main “working” tool: the sediments of my memory and life experiences, feelings, intuitions, emotions all of which I call upon in the creative (work?) process. I often do this in a group, and this aspect is particularly important for me and defines another specificity of artistic creation. Every now and then, a heterogeneous and temporary community forms around an artistic project, breathing together for a certain period of time. The commitment to the exploration of abstract ideas and the corporeality associated with them, the desire for exchange that also brings conflicts, disagreements, the search for solutions, represents the practice of collectivity in the best sense of the word. In doing work that is tantamount to practicing collectivity, I feel instances of deep satisfaction, happiness, and a momentary sense of being.

The work of the stage artist is double work, because it is the work of the artist and the work of the audience, which in the moment of contact dissolves again and again. What remains is an invisible collective work.

Let’s Work! (20222023) deals with the problem of work. It invites us, through various artistic situations set in specific environments, to reflect on the meaning and value of work, the ways in which we experience work in everyday life, and how art is at work. In the first chapter (2022), artworks are contextualized in locations that play a constructive role in society in terms of the formulation of labor policies, and more specifically the formulation of strategies in the field of cultural labor, in public services that respond to labor problems, in institutions that educate the upcoming workforce, and in spaces that play a role in contemporary art practices. The spatial and temporal positioning of works for (re)viewing by both institutional staff and invited and casual visitors aims to widen the field of visibility of the artwork and its reception. In the second chapter (2023), the artworks will be presented in their entirety in exhibition and performance formats.


Teja Reba, Špela Trošt: Praznik dela, Celjski dom ob 19:30

Teja Reba, Špela Trošt: Praznik dela
02. 12. 2023, Celjski dom ob 19:30

Zakaj delaš?

1.     Ne morem, ne da bi delal. Zame je to zaveza, ki je ne narekuje racionalnost, ampak instinkt in notranja potreba.
2.     Delam, da bi preživel.
3.     Da bi našla lepoto.
4.     Delam, ker moram vzdrževati ta sistem, da bi lahko preživel v družbi, v kateri živim. Sicer bi me imeli za norca, bedaka, me strpali v norišnico za vse življenje na stroške so-državljanov, so-bratov, ki plačujejo veliko davkov, da bi me vzdrževali v psihiatrični bolnišnici.
5.     Ker moram živeti.
6.     Ne delam, sem slikar.
7.     Ker sem v sistemu, iz katerega ne morem.
8.     Ker mi je všeč, kar delam.
9.     Mislim, da je bistvo dela, da prispevamo k družbi.

Zasnova in vodstvo:
Teja Reba in Špela Trošt
Loup Abramovici, Mateja Bučar, Matjaž Farič, Tomaž Grom, Katja Legin, Lana Zdravković
Loup Abramovici, Dimitra Alfirević Srhoj, Mary Anne Blanche, Vesna Godler, Tomaž Grom, Katja Legin, Liana Kalčina, Marjeta Kamnikar, Svarun Košir, Čarna Košir, Marija Pantić, Kalvin Radivojević, Bela Reba Abramovici, Pika Redžić, Špela Trošt, Iva Vidmar, Lana Zdravković

Oblikovanje svetlobe: Špela Škulj
Oblikovanje zvoka: Tomaž Grom
Izbor glasbe: Matjaž Farič, Katja Legin, Tomaž Grom, Lana Zdravković
Naslovna fotografija: Marcandrea
Tehnična ekipa: Igor Remeta, Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica, Manca Vukelič, Vid Starman
Čistilki: Marjeta Pogačnik, Darinka Županec Ivanovski

Produkcija: Teja Reba
Koprodukcija: Zavod Sploh
Partnerji: Zavod Bunker, Ljubljana, Zavod En-Knap, DUM – Društvo umetnikov, MG+MSUM, Associazione Culturale YANVII

Finančna podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana

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