Zavod Sploh


Sound performance, 2008

Offer of music for performing arts and film: pieces that have not been given a chance of public hearing.

The as yet unheard pieces of music and sound by the author Tomaž Grom are publically enacted in the performance art format. These pieces, intended for performing arts and film, have emerged over the last 15 years, but were for various reasons turned down or have remained unused by directors and choreographers.

The idea of the sound performance emerged from the perceived need to merge artistic activity in two areas; music and theatre. Sound/music – theatre, an intersection of two art practices is the impetus behind the performance BRUTO-OFFCUTS. Music-as-entirely-abstract art form and theatre-as-entirely-concrete and real become the basis for a sound performance. The performance will address questions of imposed and free authorship, of the relationship between authorship and mere execution of artistic action, between conscious and unconscious authorship, between consciously controlled and randomly constructed meanings and signs. In other words, a stop-and-think about one's own creative medium, about rejecting its set strategies, principles, about the pressures of production/consumption, especially in art. About the strategies adopted when as an author you are rejected and exposed. The performance explores the individual's relationship to production/consumption, when gratification becomes an intolerable urge for asserting one's own existence. About life that is being bought-sold.

The performance deals with all of the above themes directly and indirectly through the medium of the sound and music material.

The event takes place within the fields of music, performance and visual creation.

Thematically, the project goes a step further to the sound performance GROSS which was primarily concerned with exploring beaurocratical conditions and repercussions thereof in art creation. The focus this time is not so much on what preconstitues artistic production but on the fate of the artistic product itself. Author offers his work, the viewers or listeners make their choices, decide what and how they will accept/purchase.

Concept: Tomaž Grom, Špela Trošt
Performers: Tomaž Grom, Aria Bragalini, Devi Bragalini, Nuka Grom, Enej Grom, Niko Novak, Marina Gumzi, Dj Bakto, Alja Kapun, Grega Zorc
Co-production: Yanvii, Italija
Photo: Marcandrea

20.12.2008, Mestni muzej Ljubljana
20.10.2009, Borštnikovo srečanje, Maribor

Within: Milan Tomašik
Borštnikovo srečanje_foto: Marcandrea
Borštnikovo srečanje_foto: Marcandrea


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