Original music can be dissolved in the interpretation of street
musicians and then again reassembled into a new original whole. Tomaž
Grom went to Balkan city streets and offered his original music to
interpretation by street musicians from Priština, Novi Sad, Tuzla,
Maribor, Tetovo and Zagreb. These musicians usually happen to be
immigrants who were forced to leave their homes for political or
economic reasons. Video and audio recordings from the streets will
intervene with live performance.
In parallel with the production of the concert/performance, the documentary film directed by Boris Petković
Šum Balkana was created, which was premiered in 2018.
Tomaž Grom
Authors and performers: Dario Krmpotić, Daniel Marinič, Šaban Karajić, Nermin Frljanović,
Nevaip Saliu, Edison Shukriu, Gentijan Ymeri, Miroslav Matić, Tomaž Grom
Špela Trošt
Light design: Igor Remeta
Film crew: Marion Trotté, Aleš Smolej, Boris Petković
Collaborators: Adrian Aziri, Algert Skenderi, Anes Husanović, Ill Bylykbashi
Alma Selimović (Zavod Bunker), Špela Trošt (Zavod Sploh)
Zavod Bunker in frame of Global City – Local City
02.12.2014, festival Drugajanje, Amfiteater II. gimnazije Maribor
05.12.2014, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
21.04.2015, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana