Zavod Sploh
Grom soloArhivKritikaVideo

Grom solo

Tomaž Grom – kontrabas, elektronika

»Med performansom, ki je trajal 45 minut, je Grom golemu kontrabasu zlagoma dodajal vedno več zvočnih elementov, z njimi suvereno manipuliral in jih spajal v zvočne formacije, ki so oznaki prepariranega in razširjenega kontrabasa ne le ustrezale, temveč jo več kot častno zastopale. Kontrabas je za Groma neskončno otroško igrišče, na katerem znova in znova uspe najti nove zvoke, piezo-električni pretvornik, nameščen na telo kontrabasa, pa mu omogoča, da ozvoči tudi najtišje med njimi.

Tako smo bili v prvih nekaj kompozicijah priča elektronsko neobdelanemu kontrabasu, klasičnemu ubiranju strun s prsti in lokom pa se je pridružila še obsežna plejada intrigantnih tehnik, od ritmičnega udarjanja po telesu kontrabasa z rokami in lokom, ubiranja strun pod kobilico in ekspresivnega praskanja z lokom do drgnjenja strun, ki je zvočno aludiralo na domače čiščenje. [...] Intrigantne in inteligentne modulacije, ki jih je Grom dosegal z mešanjem zvočnih virov in suverenim poznavanjem ter kontrolo kontrabasa samega, so tako poskrbele, da je 45 minut minilo čisto prehitro.«  (Seliškar 2017)

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Tomaž Grom: Solo Kiss & iMstrument, Errant Sound, Berlin

Errant Sound, Berlin, 25.5.2022

Interactive presentation and solo with double bass and electronics – an evening of exchange with Tomaž Grom and Špela Trošt, artists from the network Zavod Sploh, Ljubljana

iMstrument is a collection of sound and video recordings of musicians who are developing their own individual musical language and an audiovisual experimental instrument. Selecting the source, turning on and off, defining volume and randomness are parameters that allow the user to play music. An ever-unrepeatable composition is constantly formed in front of eyes and ears.

iMstrument is a continuously evolving creation, combining original and live music. It is taking place at the intersection of technologically processed contemporary sonority and the elementarity of clean sounds in connection with digitized recording. It is a meeting place of the absent technologically reproduced performers and the immediate presence of the user.

The Errant Sound group is happy to start with this evening an exchange with Tomaž Grom and Špela Trošt, artists from Ljubljana, who are part of the vibrant network Zavod Sploh, an associaton devoted to the production of music and performing arts as well as to education and publishing in the field.

After the participative presentation of iMstrument Tomaž Grom will perform his piece Solo Kiss for double bass, preparations, electronics, and video

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