Zavod Sploh
Kje SplohArhivFotografija


17. 1. – Luka Juhart z gosti, predstavitev albuma RanDom, Cankarjev dom
9. 1. – Zvokotok, Nejc Grm, akademija za glasbo UL, Ljubljana
8. 1. – Trojnik, Taktišče, Ljubljana


Tilen Lebar: 𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗜𝗧𝗬 𝗢𝗙 𝗦𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗨𝗗𝗘, Bastion, Koper (v okviru festivala IZIS)


12.10.2022 ob 20h, Bastion, Koper
V okviru festivala IZIS


Belemir Baran - violina
Sean Bell - nasprotnik
Diogo Marques - tolkala
Kristaps Vanags - saksofon
Urška Rihtaršič - harfa
Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio - elektronika v živo
Ronelda S. Kamfer - poezija

V sodelovanju z Južnoafriško pesnico Roneldo S. Kamfer je nastal libreto, ki črpa inspiracijo iz Rashomonovega efekta, kjer formiranje spomina reprezentira multidimenzionalnost in partikularnost subjektov ter njegove ponotranjene resnice ali reakcije na dogodek.
Zvočna izkušnja, ki jo reprezentira manjši komorni sestav poleg elektroakustičnega zvoka uporablja manipuliranje zvoka preko vtičnikov, ki jih je pred kratkim razvil slovenski umetnik Andrej Kobal. Izkušnja zvoka ni pogojena zgolj z namernim produciranjem zvoka inštrumentalistov, temveč s pritrjenimi senzorji na posameznem telesu nastopajočega zaobsega psihofiziološke odzive našega telesa, ki nenamerno vplivajo na izhodišče zvoka, ki je v elektroakustičnem procesiranju primerljiv slikarski tehniki - slikanju z akvareli.
Parametri, ki tako določajo končni zvočni produkt vzpostavljajo dialog med namernim, nenamernim in predvsem realnim, ki v Rashomonovem konceptu ponuja multidimenzionalnost zgodbe, reza, postavitve kamere in samega izkustva gledalca.
Vicinity Of Solitude tako izraža ravno to, razširjen zvočni parameter, ki pa v spominskih reakcijah ponuja paralelno dojemanje dogodka v večplastnem razumevanju in s tem partikularnosti resnice, ki jo reprezentirajo vsi sodelujoči ter jo enokpravno zagovarjajo kot univerzalno.

𝘀𝗮𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗳𝗼𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁, 𝘀𝗸𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗷, 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝘇𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿
Rojen je v Murski Soboti, trenutno živi v Den Haagu na Nizozemskom. Po končanem Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Mariboru pod mentorstvo Petra Krudra je študij nadaljeval na Akademiji za glasbo Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer je diplomiral v razredu Matjaža Drevenška in nadaljeval magistrski študij saksofona v razredu Mihe Rogine in Matjaža Drevenška. Redno se je izobraževal v kompozicijskem razredu Uroša Rojka na ljubljanski akademiji. V letu 2021 je zaključil magistrski študij kompozicije na Kraljevem konservatoriju v Den Haagu na Nizozemskem na Nizozemskem v razredih Petra Adriaansza, Cornelisa de Bondta in Guusa Janssena. Na področju saksofona se je dodatno izpopolnjeval v razredu Raafa Hekkeme in Larsa Niederstrasserja.
Je predstavnik mlajše generacije glasbenikov in je dejaven predvsem na področju komponiranja komornih del, poustvarjanja del mlajših avtorjev, v polju improvizirane glasbe, interdisciplinarnih ter zvočnih umetnosti. Redno sodeluje z Zavodom Sploh, KUD Mrežo, Inexhaustible Editions in avstrijskim ansamblom Szene Instrumental.
Produkcija: Zavod Sploh


In collaboration with South African poet Ronelda S. Kamfer, we present the 'Vicinity of Solitude.' Inspirational thought comes from Rashomon's Effect, where multidimensionality and particularity of of the subject's memory response depend on the portrayal of the so-called 'truth.' The portrayal represents differences in experiences through occurring events with multiple representations of the protagonists.
Ronelda's narrative becomes somehow disrupted and developed within segments. Musical movements titled 'A Holy Water, A Holy War & A Holy Ghost' refer to us as the essence of the libretto. That concentrates us on the insecurity of the memory response as such. Because we are thrived on forgetting certain events within a short period of time remembering as an act - defines the narration of the events.
Each time we recall something, the memory becomes different, distorted and altered from its initial state. You see, every poem that comes along connects the narrative of the questions that the poet had. If a certain event - as remembered depends on the outcome of the other (for instance, the memory of the cousin of the character could be approved as ignorance towards the memory of the Other) the memory becomes obstructed and defined as the only action that keeps the 'dead ones' alive. In that way, Memory prolonged our lives or gave us a certain power of a voice, even though it is a deformed one.
The ensemble represents the painting through a sonic part. It secures the position by its omnipresence with the distortion or consolidation itself. It's not something that would help us to remember - for instance as a sound of a fixed idea, it rather enables the erosion of thoughts and the process of a fading nostalgia.
The electroacoustics with fragile environments, sound objects, acoustic instruments and voice could be compared to the painting technique of water colours that could be immersively damaged with a single gesture. The gesture of a viable water-soluble binder as it melts and fades away.
Reality as such, present the concept of multidimensionality of the narrative within the story, segmental development, prevention of remembering it and intentional diversity within the perception of the 'Real.' Vicinity of Solitude expands the parameters of the memories into perceiving the multi-layered objectivity in its defined as a universal thought.


Belemir Baran – violin
Sean Bell – countertenor
Diogo Marques – percussion
Kristaps Vanags – saxophone
Urška Rihtaršič – harp
Mauricio Valdes San Emeterio – electronics & disposition of sound
Tilen Lebar – composition
Ronelda S. Kamfer - Poetry


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